Join a neighborhood Ped/Bike committee!
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Join or start a neighborhood Ped/Bike committee!
The Ohio River Trail Council’s creation of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PBAC) is one more foot forward for the Ohio River Trail Council partner communities to evolve into a Bicycle Friendly Community. A bicycle and pedestrian oriented community welcomes cyclists and pedestrians by fostering safe alternative transportation options thereby encouraging more people to walk and bike to better health and a cleaner environment. The time is now to begin planning and implementing ped/bike friendly steps to entice sustainable non-motorized modes of transportation and increase pedestrian-cyclist safety.
The endeavor provides for the development of the Ohio River Greenway Trail along with ADA accessible curb ramps, safer roadway crossings, traffic calming, and accessible routes to connect people to school, work and to shops. It improves pedestrian and bicycle connections within the community and connections between communities. The plan specifically improves the efficiency of the existing transportation system. Enhancements to the on-road route, which contains PA Bicycle Route-A through Allegheny and Beaver Counties, includes on-road bicycle route pavement markings and signs to delineate the route for cyclists and to alert motorists of the “Share the Lane” condition. The long-term result will be the construction of multi-modal roadways with provisions for people who walk and bicycle that offers multiple transportation choices to all citizens regardless of age, ability or socio-economic status, and provides for healthier travel choices along a cohesive green corridor.
The Ohio River Trail venture entails continued partnership building with community officials, organizations, and state agencies. The ORTC is at a critical stage in developing bicycle friendly communities and requests your support in making the Ohio River Trail a reality. Trails provide a fun and exciting way for us all to discover our rivers, connect to the great outdoors, celebrate the beauty of our region, and improve our quality of life. Trails connect museums, historic sites, parks and preserves creating frontiers for exploration, discovery and enrichment. These connections ultimately build a sense of place and community.
The ORTC Pedestrian and Bicycle Advocacy Committee goal is to establish a Ped/Bike Committee in each municipality. The community Ped/Bike Committee’s role is to act as an advisory body that is appointed by a local government and are legally part of a local government structure. The Ped/Bike Committee is a group of concerned citizens, community officials, law enforcement, and staff from various government agencies that is responsible for providing guidance to decision makers on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects, programs, and policies. The Ped/Bike Committee also facilitates bicycle and pedestrian safety education and outreach.
- Develop and recommend to local government and planning commission, the adoption of ordinances and policies for the design, construction, and maintenance of pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
- Monitor, coordinate, promote, and implement greenway plans and procedures to upgrade the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure along the Ohio River and its tributaries, including the Ohio River Trail.
- Support the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the communities of the Ohio River Trail and the ORTC.
- Coordinate with regional entities to promote the creation of a networked pedestrian and bicycle facilities and greenspace.
- Creating more bicycle/pedestrian-friendly areas, such as separate bike/walking lanes.
- Extending, adding, and/or renovating sidewalks for pedestrians.
- Establish a Ped/Bike Route Signage Plan to notify automobile drivers, cyclists, and walkers of bike/ped access.
- Implement a Safe Routes to Schools Program
- Expand the Pedestrian Crossing Program.
- Improve bicycle facilities and parking through a Bike Rack Program.
- Plan, promote and/or implement bicycle and pedestrian events throughout the corridor, including a Bike to Work Day.
- Establish bike and pedestrian connections between existing trails and parks, as well as heritage and tourist attractions.
- Promoting the benefits of sustainable practices of biking and walking.
- Promote the economic benefits of trails through the “Trail Town” model of economic revitalization, which focuses on connecting trails to the “Main Streets” and building vibrant communities.
- Encourage walking, bicycling and people-powered transportation.
- Work with property owners and initiatives that focus on improved trail access for bicyclists and pedestrians.
- Advance positive motorist-bicyclist and motorist-pedestrian relations.
- Teach joint safety education programs for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists.
- Review and recommend transportation project prioritization as related to pedestrian and bicycle issues.
- Seek grant money for pedestrian and bicycle project enhancements.
- Serve as a liaison to the local highway districts and PennDOT.
- Educate the community about the advantages of sustainable transportation methods.
- Establish public meetings to ensure residents have an opportunity to contribute to the process and receive a response to any questions and concerns.
Come join us to improve the quality of life in our communities through the establishment of safe walking and bicycling infrastructure permitting an alternative and viable means of transportation while promoting health lifestyles and physical activity.